Having a bad memory is so not fun! I keep forgetting everything from the past. Vilyn reminded be about the 'lesbo' thing, Ivan even remembered about the pinky thing and now Wen Han told me about the 'mee' thing -_- What else? I think I've lost like half of my memory lol. Must be slacking too much at home :/ Brain rotting.
Anyway, school start's next week! September 2nd. Tomorrow I'm going to school to get registered, get my photo taken so my ID can be done. Then I'll have to choose my locker. It doesn't really matter where my locker is because I'll be around the whole school. Oh and tomorrow I'll be getting my timetable.
The timetable's kinda weird, because one period is 1hour 21minutes -_- why the 21? Why not 20 lol. And, we only have 4 periods a day. Classes starts at 9am and ends at 3pm.
Everything here is DIY, because it costs a lot. Including bringing your own bed back home LOL. That picture was taken on the first week I arrived, when mom and dad wanted to buy a bed. It costs $65 for the truck to bring it back home. So to save that $65, we put the mattress on the car. It would be weird if you did that in Malaysia, but it's totally normal in Canada. Everyone does that lolllll.